36th Annual Convention and Technical Symposium
Orlando, Florida USA - Oct. 14-17, 2007
ILA-36 Main Page
Session 1: Loran Status around the World

Session Chair: Sherman Lo, Stanford University
Click on the links below (title or photo) to view the presentations;
papers, when available, appear as a separate link.
The eLoran Evaluation and Modernization Program - Acknowledging the Past, Looking to the Future Mitchell Narins, US Federal Aviation Administration
European eLoran Status  Dr. Sally Basker and Dr. Nick Ward, General Lighthouse Authority
Update on FERNS  Tamotsu Ikeda, SENA (additional presentation)
US Loran Modernization Update , Raymond Agostini, USCG Loran Support Unit (movie)
Status of U.S. Loran Program and Policy, CDR Bob Feigenblatt, USCG Headquarters
FY07 US Loran Performance , LT Barry Boyd, USCG NAVCEN